Experts in all Aspects of Sand Transloading
Di-Corp is known for designing, building, and operating three of western Canada’s most technologically advanced, high-throughput sand transloading facilities. Whether you need to use existing transloading space or require new transloading space, Di-Corp has you covered.

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Sand Transloading With Di-Corp
Di-Corp’s existing transloading sites have the space, expertise, safety systems, rail access and railroad industry connections to develop custom transloading solutions for many other commodities including pipe, drill steel, lumber, and more.
DST’s terminals are built for optimum efficiency by employing state-of-the-art technology systems, ensuring we have sufficient owned track, and minimizing waste through superior dust collection. Our Sexsmith and Rocky Mountain House terminals are each designed for maximum annual throughput of 400,000 t0 500,000 tonnes. Record high production has exceeded 50,000 tonnes per month during periods of peak customer demand.
Although Di-Corp is known for operating transloading facilities, we can also help you build your own facility or adapt your current facility to meet your unique transloading needs. Draw on our planning, project management, and operations expertise, even without a capital investment.
Why Choose Di-Corp?
to Safety
Extensive Transloading Knowledge
First-Hand Experience
Developer and Operator of Sand Transloading Terminals
In 2013, DST’s first frac sand terminal was constructed in Grande Prairie, AB, to provide a superior service solution to frac sand producers and consumers. This facility was a first of its kind in Canada, using efficient overhead design and industry-leading engineering expertise from the U.S.
DST constructed the second terminal of a similar design at Rocky Mountain House, Alberta. Both construction projects were brought in on time and under budget during challenging years of oil and gas industry growth in local construction markets. Each terminal has a fully implemented HSE program and successfully passed external safety audits.

Future Greenfield & Brownfield Expansion Project Services
Di-Corp maintains strong local market relations and supplier estimating information to provide each of the sand transloading services below.
- Future Terminal development: financial and market feasibility studies
- Land evaluation & selection, permitting & regulatory application management, commercial lease arrangements
- Stakeholder engagement and local community communications
- Conceptual and detailed engineering for custom flat storage terminals and rail designs (single or multi-commodity, proppant and/or bulk)
- Conceptual and detailed engineering for coating applications
- Design Build Project Management and/or Construction General Contracting
- Equipment procurement services and materials management
- Class 1 rail unloading site service negotiations and siding agreements
- Operational efficiency consulting for 3rd party terminals
- Asset and equipment management plans for 3rd party terminals
- Last-mile logistics coordination, supplier evaluations, or partnering agreements
Rocky Mountain House Terminal
Our Rocky Mountain House Terminal has superior quality control systems to ensure the correct amount and grade of sand is loaded every time.
Proudly Owned and Operated by Di-Corp Sandtransloading (Opened in 2014)
Features of the terminal include:- 12,000 tonnes of storage capacity (metric)
- 6 , 2000 tonne silos
- 4 spur rail siding, 90 rail car capacity
- Rail car mover onsite
- Truck Loading times of 6 ½ minutes
- Ability to load and scale 2 trucks at a time
- 2 drive through loading lanes
- Ability to weigh product from railcar
- 350 ton/hour bucket elevator for unloading railcars
- Dustless loading and unloading system
- Fall protection systems onsite for both truck and rail
- Superior Quality control systems ensure the correct amount and grade of sand is loaded every time
- Fully automated loading/unloading control system
- Operating 6am to midnight 7 days a week
- Location easily accessible from Highway 11 and Highway 598
- No demurrage
Contact details:
53063 Highway 598 Clearwater County, AlbertaT0M 1H0 Tel: 587-798-0855

Huallen Transload Terminal
In 2019, Di-Corp proudly opened the Huallen Transload Terminal in partnership with Liberty Oil Services.
Proudly operated by Di-Corp Sand Transloading in partnership with Liberty Oil Services (Opened in 2019)
Features of the terminal include:
- 3 rail-to-truck mobile conveyors
- 4 spur rail siding, 400 rail car capacity
- Rail car mover onsite
- Truck loading times of 15 mins
- Ability to load 3 trucks at a time
- Fall protection systems onsite for both truck and rail
- Superior quality control systems
- Fully automated BOL systems
- Operating 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week
- Location easily accessible from highway
Contact details:
713061 RGE RD 92
Huallen, AB T0H 3S0
Tel: 587-343-4966
Sexsmith Transload Terminal
Di-Corp proudly operates the Sexsmith Transload Terminal in partnership with Badger Mining Corp.
Proudly Operated by Di-Corp Sand Transloading in Partnership with Badger Mining Corp. (Opened in 2013)
Features of the terminal include:
- 8,600 tonnes of storage capacity
- 4 Silos
- 7 spur rail siding, 255 car capacity
- Rail car mover and Locomotive onsite
- Truck Loading times of 6 1⁄2 minutes
- Ability to load and scale 2 trucks at a me
- 3 drive through loading lanes
- Ability to weigh product from railcar
- 350 ton/hour bucket elevator for unloading railcars
- Dustless loading and unloading system
- Fall protection systems onsite for both truck and rail
- Superior Quality control systems ensure the correct amount and grade of sand is loaded every me
- Fully automated loading/unloading control system
- Operating 24hrs ,7 days a week
- Location easily accessible from Highway 2 and Highway 672
- No demurrage
- Can accommodate Sand Box and Sand Can loading
Contact details:
#45 61027 Hwy 672,
Emerson Trail Industrial Park,
T0H 3C0
Tel: 780-568-2096
SDS: Sexsmith SDS Silica Sand Safety Data Sheet Feb 2019

Di-Corp’s Commitment to Frac Sand Transloading Safety
At Di-Corp, we develop and maintain all systems and operating procedures used for the safe operation of our facilities, including:
- SMS (Safety Management Systems)
- GOI (General Operations Instructions)
- All SOP’s and COP’s (Standard Operating Procedures, Code of Practices & Fall Protection Programs)
- Work Alone Programs
- Rail Safety Training Programs
Rail Mentorship Training Programs - Plant site, Rail and Equipment Preventative Maintenance Programs -Emergency Response Plans
- Complete Health and Safety Plans
Meeting the Sand Transloading Needs of the WCSB
With our three transloading facilities located in Alberta…
Meeting the Sand Transloading Needs of the WCSB
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes. With modification, Di-Corp's transload locations have the additional lay-down area, rail and road access to potentially accommodate transload of other commodities. However, some lead time would be required to allow for any necessary infrastructure modifications/additions to meet service agreement requirements.
Our Rocky Mountain House Transload Facility operates from 6:00 am to Midnight, 7 days/week. Our Sexsmith Terminal (located north of Grande Prairie) and Huallen Terminal (west of Wembley, AB) both operate 24 hours/day, 7 days/week.
The best way for service companies and dispatches to reach our facility operators is to call the control room for the facility you need to reach. Our control room phones are monitored 24/7. If no one is available to answer, the line forwards to an on-call mobile number.
Rocky Mountain House - 587-798-0855
Sexsmith/Grande Prairie - 780-568-2096
Huallen - 587-343-4966
The following are the Google Maps directions to each terminal.
Rocky Mountain House Map
Sexsmith/Grande Prairie Map
Huallen Map
Request a Proposal Today
Contact us or fill out the form below to learn more about Di-Corp’s transloading capabilities or how we can create a custom transloading solution for you.
Sand and Other Transloading Opportunities or Inquiries
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