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    K-Packers are designed to provide a sand tight seal between the well screen and casing and are typically used on the top of telescope size screens in the water well, construction and environmental drilling industries. K-Packers eliminate contamination of underground water sources from intrusion of surface pollutants by effectively sealing the casing to the bore […]

    PVC Caps & Points

    Di-Corp offers a range of Caps and Points for Geotechnical & Environmental drilling applications including PVC Sandpoints, PVC Slip Caps, and PVC Threaded caps. All caps and points are manufactured to Schedule 40 or Schedule 80 specifications. Contact for more information on these products.

    PVC Casing

    Our PVC casing is designed with our strong engineered buttress thread that you can rely on no matter what you encounter during your drilling operations.

    PVC Environmental Pipe

    We strictly adhere to ASTM and industry standards for all of our PVC environmental pipes. Our pipes are fabricated from Type 1, Grade 1 PVC and manufactured to applicable ASTM and NSF standards.

    PVC Prepack

    PVC Prepacked screens consist of a standard, slotted PVC well screen pipe surrounded by a stainless steel mesh designed for setting small diameter groundwater monitoring wells. Sand is packed between the slotted PVC and the stainless steel mesh. Since the sand is packed around the slotted PVC before the well screen is installed, using prepacks […]

    PVC Transition Fittings

    PVC Transition Fittings are used as a threaded coupling to enable you to go from Di-Corp’s Engineered Buttress Threaded Water Well casing to any telescopic stainless steel screen with an NPT thread. PVC Transition Fittings are available in various sizes. Please contact us for further size requirements.

    Sonic Splits and Split Caps

    Di-Corp’s manufactured PVC Sonic Core Sample tubes are made from PVC pipe which has been machine split down the center producing two exact halves. These split tubes give the drill contractor a very durable core sample container that will ensure the sample will make it to the lab safely and intact.

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